YES! Another email requested interview. I'm lazy, so I LOVE it when I don't have to hunt out interviews. Here's my little interview with Anthony, he's a Legends fan whose beaten Legends, and is deep into Legends 2, let's see what he's got to say.
SUPERDANNY9: ::repairs internet, turns camera on:: Well now, I'm here with today with... Anthony... that's your name right?
AnthonyMD1588: Yes
SUPERDANNY9: Ok then, so Anthony? Your a Legends fan?
AnthonyMD1588: YES! 4EVER
SUPERDANNY9: Wonderful. So which MegaMan Legends games have you played/beaten so far?
AnthonyMD1588: I have beaten MML 1 (just about a week ago) and I am about to get the 4th key in the 2nd MML.
SUPERDANNY9: Cool, how about the Misadventures of Tron Bonne? Played it all yet?
AnthonyMD1588: No, I tryed to buy a bootleged copy on a trip to Argentina, but it turned out that the game didn't work :(
SUPERDANNY9: That's crazy, do you live in America?
AnthonyMD1588: Yep, Wisconsin
SUPERDANNY9: Why not just buy it here in America?
AnthonyMD1588: Couldn't find it
SUPERDANNY9: Argh, it IS a little hard to find now, good luck looking for it if you do decide to hunt for it
AnthonyMD1588: yep
SUPERDANNY9: How long have you been into MegaMan Legends?
AnthonyMD1588: For about 2 years, maybe more
SUPERDANNY9: So what got you interested in MegaMan Legends?
AnthonyMD1588: Well, I always like Megaman, and when I ran across the game at the local BlockBuster, I had to buy it. I almost beat it, but I had to return it. I finally beat it when my friends baought me a copy for my birthday
AnthonyMD1588: liked*
SUPERDANNY9: What a wonderful birthday present
AnthonyMD1588: Totally!!
SUPERDANNY9: What about OTHER MegaMan games, are you into the other series, like the original, x, zero or battle network series?
AnthonyMD1588: I LOVE the origanal and own 2,3,6,and 8 and the early X is the best, but I own 6. I haven't really played battle network
SUPERDANNY9: Cool, I agree, I DO enjoy the original series, I'd say it comes second with Legends in first
AnthonyMD1588: yes!
SUPERDANNY9: Now, according to what you've seen in the games so far, who, in your opinion, should MegaMan have a future relationship with, Tron or Roll?
AnthonyMD1588: Tron, cause she's right: Why does Roll need lots and lots of zenny to improve weapons. Shouldn't she just do it for free?
SUPERDANNY9: If only she would, what a happy world it would be.
AnthonyMD1588: yep
SUPERDANNY9: Alrighty then, last question A new MegaMan Legends game has not been announced by Capcom for almost 4 years since Legends 2, do you think Capcom will ever make a new Legends game? Or will they just forget Legends and make more "popular" games?
AnthonyMD1588: I think they might make another Legends game, because a lot of games took a long time to make a sequel
SUPERDANNY9: Wonderful, thanks for your time, you can of course see this interview in the interview section of the MegaMan Legends Universe.
AnthonyMD1588: I sure will!
SUPERDANNY9: ::grabs camera:: Alright then Anthony, say goodbye to our millions of viewers... (actually, I think there's about 4 viewers...maybe)
AnthonyMD1588: GoodBye!
SUPERDANNY9: Bye everyone ::tries to turn camera off, can't find off button, shoots camera with his new HyperShell::