Ahh yes, I love it when I don't have to find them, they just find me. Trevor here requested this interview via email, and after many days of frustratingly trying to be online at the sametime (mostly because of my irresponsible self), we finally met up on a Saturday afternoon, to discuss the almighty MegaMan Legends series.
SUPERDANNY9: ::turns camera on... camera doesn't respond... runs to nearest department store and buys new camera... turns it on:: Alrighty then! I'm here with... um... (psst, what's your name?)
Frequency 141 12: Trevor B.
Frequency 141 12: (male age 13)
SUPERDANNY9: Nice, I like information
SUPERDANNY9: Ok then, so your obviously a MegaMan Legends fan?
Frequency 141 12: YES!!! My fave game's.
SUPERDANNY9: Awesome, which ones have you played/beaten so far?
Frequency 141 12: I have MML 1 and beat it, I havent found MML2 to buy it
SUPERDANNY9: That's a shame, how about The Misadventures of Tron Bonne? Played it yet?
Frequency 141 12: No, I'm sorta new to the game's and I havent found it, I was lucky my friend had MML and gave it to me.
SUPERDANNY9: Wow, nice friend
Frequency 141 12: Yep, I'm really looking for both.
SUPERDANNY9: So, your new to it huh? How long HAVE you been into Legends?
Frequency 141 12: About the start of 4th grade, in the year 20XX, I mean 2000.
Frequency 141 12: MML2 came out in 200 and I still cant find it.
Frequency 141 12: *2000
SUPERDANNY9: Good luck finding it, I see it at used game stores alot.
Frequency 141 12: I'll still try anything, as long as it has the instructions and works.
SUPERDANNY9: Which brings me to my next question, what about OTHER MegaMan games, do you like anything from the original series, x series, battle network series or zero series?
Frequency 141 12: The original is my 2nd fave, then MMBN(the show rocks) and the X is okay, but I just don't like it as much as the other's same goes with the Zero game's.
SUPERDANNY9: Awesome, I agree, gotta love that original series
Frequency 141 12: Yes you gotta love it, started it all.
SUPERDANNY9: So, what exactly got you into Legends? Did you just play it and fall in love or what?
Frequency 141 12: The friend I told you about called me up and said he gotta new MM game, I thought it was an X or original, but to my amazment it was MML, the rest is history.
Frequency 141 12: Then he beat about 50 times and just gave it to me.
SUPERDANNY9: hahaha I'm sure he'll regret that someday in the near future
SUPERDANNY9: Heh, Alright, now my favorite question, based on what you've seen so far, who should MegaMan go with, Tron or Roll?
Frequency 141 12: I think he gave up on MML he don't talk much about MM at all. He aint my best friend anymore
SUPERDANNY9: sad to see that happen
Frequency 141 12: Well, to me I think as Roll as Mega's sister for some reason, but then I hear in MML2, she fight's with Tron over Mega, I think Tron's better looking, so I say Tron.
Frequency 141 12: And Tron liked him first.
SUPERDANNY9: Heh heh heh, wonderful
Frequency 141 12: Can I ask you something?
SUPERDANNY9: Um... sure! Why not, it'll be different
Frequency 141 12: Do you no how to spell Megaman's last name? In the MML booklet, it's spelled VOULNUT, then I was in the TV studio playing the kick the dog mini game and it's spelled VOLNUTT, any idea?
SUPERDANNY9: I use both ways
Frequency 141 12: Ohhh.
Frequency 141 12: Weird
SUPERDANNY9: I'm not sure myself, but most of the time I use voulnut, just looks better to me
SUPERDANNY9: yeah, those instruction booklets can never be trusted
Frequency 141 12: Ya, me to.
SUPERDANNY9: I think it also says something about Tron being Tiesel's daughter in the instruction booklet... yuck... huge mistake
Frequency 141 12: Hmmm, someone messed up.
SUPERDANNY9: Well, one final question, A new MegaMan Legends game has not seen the light of day for almost 4 years now... Do you think Capcom will EVER make a new Legends? Or, will they just focus on there more popular titles?
Frequency 141 12: This is a hard question, I think they will at least make one more, at least they should, there's to many mystery's to be solved, like, I just foun out that the game doesnt take place on Earth, but on a world called TERRA, And what about the old Motherload.
SUPERDANNY9: Yes, much hasn't been answered yet, another sequel is definitly needed.
Frequency 141 12: Yep indeed.
SUPERDANNY9: Well, thanks for your time, sorry about leaving you hanging yesterday, and um, keep on playing Legends, 2 more games are still out there for ya
Frequency 141 12: Yep, good time talking, I'll be looking for um.
SUPERDANNY9: And of course, you can see this interview on the interviews page on the MegaMan Legends Universe. And with that, I end the interview. ::looks at camera:: Say goodbye Trevor
Frequency 141 12: Good bye, MML LIVES ON!!
SUPERDANNY9: ::camera self-destructs violently, destroying the entire internet::