I found this crazy violent Legends fan at the message forums at GameFaqs.com. If his interview appears rather violent... consider yourself warned...
SUPERDANNY9: ::brushes off the dust on camera::
SUPERDANNY9: ::turns camera on::
SUPERDANNY9: Ok, first, please state your name
dragon44103: zed
dragon44103: i mean jon
dragon44103: zedis my nickname
SUPERDANNY9: Alright Jon... or Zed... your a MegaMan Legends fan right?
dragon44103: hell yeaaaaaaaaaaa 4 eva!!!
SUPERDANNY9: awesome
SUPERDANNY9: How did MegaMan Legends first come into your life?
dragon44103: it was in 1998 and i was over my friends house we started arguing and he shoved me and my head landed on the megaman 8 case and started to play ever since then i've been drawing comix, pretending to be him and play nonstop megaman games
SUPERDANNY9: ....... was the megaman 8 cd damaged?
dragon44103: nuthin put i cracked the case wit my head and started running round my friend's house holding my head
SUPERDANNY9: phew! thats good...
SUPERDANNY9: at least the game was ok
dragon44103: yea but my head had a bruise that lasted for over 3 weeks
SUPERDANNY9: Yeah, thats nice. Alright anyways, based on your opinion, who do you beleive MegaMan should go out with, Tron or Roll?
dragon44103: well i think megaman should go out wit tron cuz he really knows her good and shes got a nice personality but if he goes out wit tron, tron might jack megaman's zenny and blow him up cuz sh is too shy!
dragon44103: she*
SUPERDANNY9: hmmm interesting... odd, but interesting
SUPERDANNY9: next question
SUPERDANNY9: Do you beleive Capcom will make another sequel to the MegaMan Legends series? Or do you think that Capcom will leave it at Legends 2?
dragon44103: capcom will probly make legends 3 cuz i think it is very popular and if they dont ..............................................i'll kick their ***** for not continuing a great game j/k i'll probly make one cuz i wanna work with the vid game corporatoin and when i do ill meet the guys who left legends 2 as it is and im gonna give em the greatest beating of their lives it'll make em bleed everywhere and make em **** and **** their pants
dragon44103: industry not corporation
SUPERDANNY9: um I'll have to edit that for my site... but ok good answer
dragon44103: well.................it does contain beating sumone up
SUPERDANNY9: Do you like the MegaMan Legends series more then the other MegaMan series'?
dragon44103: (deleted by request of Jon)
SUPERDANNY9: goodness! well, thats your opinion....
dragon44103: they are ok but legends rule
dragon44103: put that instead of the above one
SUPERDANNY9: Yes, they certainly shouldn't go to ****...
SUPERDANNY9: ok no problem
SUPERDANNY9: If Capcom WAS to release a MegaMan Legends 3, what do you think would happen in the storyline?
dragon44103: well megaman would probly journey to a unknown place and fight a new breed of evil more faster,stronger,smarter,powerfuler,and better than the reaverbots and zero will be in ths one and the final boss would be.........................megaman's master gone crazy under a spell and...........thats it
SUPERDANNY9: hmmm interesting.... odd but interesting...
dragon44103: i ll draw a pic
SUPERDANNY9: You do that
SUPERDANNY9: Anyways, thats all my questions
SUPERDANNY9: Have anything you'd like to add?
dragon44103: yea shout ouyts to my homeboy who help me discover megaman:YU WANG and next time u help me discover sumthin dont do it in a harmfull way!MEGAMAN 4EVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SUPERDANNY9: Thank you for your time Jon, you can see this interview in the interview section of the MegaMan Legends Universe.
dragon44103: its zed
SUPERDANNY9: ::throws camera out window::