Definitly one of the most mysterious person I have ever interviewed. This person, known as God Ragasuma, wished to remain annonomous. This person played the game MegaMan 64. Lets hear what God Ragasuma has to say.
SUPERDANNY9: ::turns on camera:: Hello everyone, today I'm here with a mister God Ragasuma... ok how are you today sir?
Ragasuma: Good My Subject.
SUPERDANNY9: Umm ok, so earlier you've told me that you played the game MegaMan 64 is that correct?
Ragasuma: Yes.
SUPERDANNY9: And for you people who aren't aware, MegaMan Legends and MegaMan 64 are the same thing
Ragasuma: Practically
SUPERDANNY9: Anyways, did you enjoy the game mister God Ragasuma?
Ragasuma: Yes.
SUPERDANNY9: how far have you gotten into the game?
Ragasuma: Far.
SUPERDANNY9: Can you give our viewers a brief description of what was going on in the game when you stopped playing it?
Ragasuma: Hold on
Ragasuma: I Am At The Cardon Sub Gate
SUPERDANNY9: the one where you used the flutter to get to?
Ragasuma: Yes
SUPERDANNY9: Ohhh I love that part in the game! Ahem, sorry
SUPERDANNY9: next question
SUPERDANNY9: Based on your opinion, who do you think MegaMan should go out with, Tron or Roll?
Ragasuma: Both
SUPERDANNY9: Dear god, the funny part of that is thats the answer most people give me
SUPERDANNY9: Next, Do you think Capcom will continue to make legends series games, or will they simply (because of bad sales) will they stop making them and focus on the X series.
Ragasuma: I Think X Series Eventually Got Old And Better Series Came Out So I Think Production Will Be Slow If They Make Another Game.
SUPERDANNY9: Have you played MegaMan Legends 2 at all?
Ragasuma: No
SUPERDANNY9: Are you planning to in the future?
Ragasuma: No
SUPERDANNY9: Well, based on what you have expeienced so far, what do you think will happen to MegaMan and his friends in the future?
Ragasuma: I Have No Idea
Ragasuma: Where will this interview be posted/
SUPERDANNY9: Ok then, thank you very much for you time Mister God Ragasuma! You can see this interview on the interviews section on my web site at, MegaMan Legends Universe
SUPERDANNY9: ::reaches to camera:: Say good bye sir.
Ragasuma: Bye
SUPERDANNY9: Good bye everyone ::turns off camera::