I just finished fooling around on MegaMan Legends (having MegaMan ram into oncoming cars, I love it.), And I thought I should interview someone becuase... well... I just wanted to! Anyways, this interview is with Ben, He likes MegaMan Legends (why else would I interview him). Ok here's the interview!!
SUPERDANNY9: ok. ::turns camera on:: Hi everyone, I'm here today to interview...ummm whats your name?
Blackmage0012: Ben
SUPERDANNY9: Ben, which MegaMan Legends games have you played?
Blackmage0012: only #1
SUPERDANNY9: What made you interested in playing it?
Blackmage0012: I played MegaMan 4 for super nintendo
SUPERDANNY9: So that got you interested into playing legends?...Wait a minute!! MegaMan 4? for super nes? I never knew Capcom did that
Blackmage0012: and I thought Megaman was cool so when I saw legends for sale, I rented it then bought it
SUPERDANNY9: Did you beat Legends 1?
Blackmage0012: yes, it was very hard
SUPERDANNY9: heh, did you enjoy the game?
Blackmage0012: yes I like challenges
SUPERDANNY9: good. Now based on your opinion, who do you think MegaMan will have a future relationship with? Tron or Roll?
Blackmage0012: well, he hasn't had much contact with Tron, or at least as not as much as Roll, but Roll and megaman havegot a brother sister bond, so I think Tron
SUPERDANNY9: Excellent answer!! You think just like me!
SUPERDANNY9: um anyways
Blackmage0012: even though she has hair like bozo the clown
SUPERDANNY9: Do you plan to buy MegaMan Legends 2 anytime in the near future?
Blackmage0012: yeah, I'm, looking forward to it, and I also want to get the Trons
SUPERDANNY9: You mean the Misadventures of Tron Bonne?
Blackmage0012: yeah, that one
SUPERDANNY9: Good Luck finding it, it took me a long time to
Blackmage0012: I saw it at wal-mart just last week
Blackmage0012: they should still have it
SUPERDANNY9: hopefully
SUPERDANNY9: Do you think Capcom will continue to make legends series games, or will they simply (because of bad sales) will they stop making them and focus on the X series.
SUPERDANNY9: k im back
SUPERDANNY9: Are you there?
Blackmage0012: from what I heard, legends got bad revews
SUPERDANNY9: yes, it did
SUPERDANNY9: do you have an predictions about legends' future?
Blackmage0012: they will most likely stop on megaman and focus on capcoms bigger money makers, like street fighter and breath of fire
Blackmage0012: knowing major corporations, that's what they'll probably do
SUPERDANNY9: Okie Dokey. Thats all my questions. Thank you you can see this interview at www.angelfire.com/games/megamanstuff Thank you for your time
Blackmage0012: no prob, see ya ( data rules!)
SUPERDANNY9: he he Good bye ::turns off camera::
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