Hello everyone, this interview here is with Mike, He recently borrwed both legends 1 and 2 from me(and let me tell you, not just anyone can borrow my precious megaman legends). Lets see how he liked the game.
SUPERDANNY9: ::turns on camera:: Ok hello everyone, I'm here today with Mike, Mike borrowed MegaMan Legends from me awhile ago isnt that right Mike?
PhoenixMW033: yes
SUPERDANNY9: alright
PhoenixMW033: ::poke::
SUPERDANNY9: ok ::fixes hair:: lets start the interview
PhoenixMW033: alright
SUPERDANNY9: What made you interested in borrowing MegaMan Legends?
PhoenixMW033: I like Megaman and you offered hookers to me
SUPERDANNY9: (dude stop, the camera is on)
SUPERDANNY9: he he anyways
PhoenixMW033: ((ok))
SUPERDANNY9: Did you beat the game?
PhoenixMW033: ((why ))
PhoenixMW033: yes I did quite well I may add
SUPERDANNY9: cool, did you enjoy the game?
PhoenixMW033: it was fun for awhile
SUPERDANNY9: ::finds cue cards:: Yes! Ok heres the next question, Based on your opinion, who do you think MegaMan should go out with, Tron or Roll?
PhoenixMW033: ::looks at the little Leprachaun that tells him to burn things:: what do oyu think Petey
PhoenixMW033: aye I say have a beer and take them both ::the leprachaun dances::
PhoenixMW033: umm I donno I like Roll
SUPERDANNY9: (damn these roll lovers) ahem anyways
SUPERDANNY9: next question
PhoenixMW033: ::has a Tron Voodoo doll::
PhoenixMW033: ::prouds it a bit:
SUPERDANNY9: Do you think Capcom will continue to make legends series games, or will they simply (because of bad sales) will they stop making them and focus on the X series.
SUPERDANNY9: ::looks at watch::
PhoenixMW033: I dont know
SUPERDANNY9: All that time for an I dont know?
PhoenixMW033: the sales state sides has finished a release here but in Japan its possable
SUPERDANNY9: okie dokey
SUPERDANNY9: Have you played MegaMan Legends 2 at all?
PhoenixMW033: yes
SUPERDANNY9: how much?
PhoenixMW033: a little I would say 20% tops
SUPERDANNY9: summaize the part you were at when you returned it to me please, if you can remember
SUPERDANNY9: summarize*
PhoenixMW033: alright I had just rescued the frozan woman in the cyclone place
SUPERDANNY9: thats like 5% man
PhoenixMW033: oh ok
SUPERDANNY9: sigh, well based on what you have expierenced in the series' storyline, what do you think will happen in the future of the story.
PhoenixMW033: I think Megaman will most likely try to find more out about the people or kinda created him as well as Rolls mom
PhoenixMW033: yup
SUPERDANNY9: Ok, well thats all my questions, anything you want to add?
PhoenixMW033: yeah
PhoenixMW033: I LOVE YOU
SUPERDANNY9: (god i hope he was talking to the voodoo doll)
SUPERDANNY9: well, Mike you can see this interview on the interview section on my wensite
SUPERDANNY9: website*
SUPERDANNY9: say good bye to the camera mike, im turning it off
PhoenixMW033: BYE
PhoenixMW033: heh
SUPERDANNY9: ::reaches for camera:: ok people bye ::turns it off::