Another interview! This Legends-fan was seen collecting pooding from the Message Board. Dynamo is an awesome member and really cool Legends fan. I really enjoyed interviewing him, so here's what he had to say!
SuperDanny: *turns on tape recorder* Alright, yet another interview for the website. This time I'm here with a member of the message board, Dynamo. Thanks for taking the time for this interview Dynamo.
Dynamo: Thanks SD
SuperDanny: So Dynamo... considering the obvious, I suppose your a MegaMan Legends fan, am I right?
Dynamo: Yeah... I think so *Takes apart and reconstructs Megaman Trigger Hyper Shell model* >.>
SuperDanny: Haha, awesome... even I don't have one of those @_@
Dynamo: really?
SuperDanny: Sadly, yes
Dynamo: I have a Legends item SuperDanny doesn't... o.0
SuperDanny: XD Anyways, so being a fan of the Legends series, which games have you played/beaten so far?
Dynamo: Uh. I've played Legends 1 and 2 and I haven't even gotten close to beating either >.> Legends 1 I played about 5 years ago and then I lost my copy
SuperDanny: Yikes. So, I assume you have yet to play The Misadventures of Tron Bonne?
Dynamo: I don't even know where to find it. I had to look for a year to find Legends 2 >.>
SuperDanny: I get that a lot in my interviews. It's a hard game to come across. I do hope you get to play it someday though.
Dynamo: Yeah I'm hoping that too
SuperDanny: So you say you played the first Legends 5 years ago? Did you like it right away, or did it take awhile for you to become a fan?
Dynamo: I played it for about an hour, and after being killed by Tron several thousand times, took it back and got Legends 2 instead. It was Legends 2 that actually got me into the series. The Data dance, the "Data setting the airship on fire while trying to cook pizza" scene, the fact that there was actually a 3-D megaman game, the more inventive bosses and enemies... The enemies and bosses were a big part Finally, some bosses without the "Man" at the end of their name... XD the music was incredible and catchy
SuperDanny: Haha, yes, the Legends series certainly did a good job differentiating itself from other MegaMan games. But that's interesting how you became a fan, by trading in the harder game for it's sequel.
Dynamo: yeah Waaaay back then... If it was too hard, I'd give up. Now, on the other hand.. Tron will die... >.> (If I ever find a copy of Legends 1)
SuperDanny: Haha, that's wild. Both games are incredible, I really hope you can beat them both someday, along with TMoTB. How far are you into Legends 2?
Dynamo: Well. I beat Normal Mode. Sera keeps killing me on hard mode I get her life bar down to a quarter of an inch then she kills me
SuperDanny: Haha, well don't give up. But at least you've seen the ending and whatnot, that's good. So are you a fan of the other MegaMan series' at all?
Dynamo: all of them. Ryusei has potential to rival Legends... (Ryusei No Rockman A.K.A. Megaman Star Force)
SuperDanny: Right right, well that's cool. So your an all around MegaMan fan huh? Which series is your favorite?
Dynamo: Legends, definately X comes in a close second and Battle Network comes in third
SuperDanny: That's awesome, your a lot like me then. I'll play anything with MegaMan's name on it and love it, but Legends stays on top in my eye. It's cool to be interviewing someone who is familiar with the other MegaMan's as well.
Dynamo: hehe.. yeah I started out with the X series but after I played Legends 2 I knew none could come close to it's greatness :P
SuperDanny: Haha, awesome. Well, next question. Without really seeing much of Tron's hijinks in Legends 1 though, it'll be an interesting answer. Who do you believe should end up with MegaMan? Tron or Roll?
Dynamo: Roll. Tron has tried to kill Trigger too many times for me to even consider her a match for Trigger.. Then again I wouldn't want trigger to be lonely when I get Roll :P so maybe he gets Tron
SuperDanny: Hahahaha
Dynamo: May I ask a question?
SuperDanny: Sure
Dynamo: What posessed Capcom to name him Megaman Volnutt? Trigger is a much better last name....and if Gramps adopted him, wouldn't that make him a Caskett?
SuperDanny: It seems more and more complicated the more I try and figure it out. In the Japanese version, he is named Rock Walnut. And in Barrel's notes, it seems Rock was given this nickname out of joke or something... I dunno, maybe the kid got into a bag of walnuts and thought they were rocks? So yeah, stupid name gets pronouces "Voulnut" with a Japanese accent, and of course lost in translation for USA
Dynamo: Capcom mutilates every name.... they need to get a better translator Capcom of America anyway
SuperDanny: As far as Casket not being the last name, I'm clueless about that. Who knows, maybe adoption laws are different on Terra :P
Dynamo: yeah Probably >.> Sorry... I got you REALLy off-topic
SuperDanny: No problem, other interviews have gone far worse believe me XD
Dynamo: *coughs*
SuperDanny: Anyways, next question. I know this'll be hard for someone who hasn't played all the games, but IF Capcom were to release a new installment for the series, what do you think might take place in it's story?
Dynamo: Hmm...... well, it'll start off as Trigger wandering Elysium for a bit, then he'll discover a MMZ-series style Transporter... (assuming the Legends series is indeed after the Zero series), he'll get back to Terra to find the Reaverbots all berserk due to the Maverick Virus re-appearing (Again, assuming MML takes place after MMX, MMZ, etc...) He'll have to hunt down the Maverick reavers, along with the Bonnes' and Roll's help. One of my many crackpot theories :P
SuperDanny: That sounds interesting, always fun hearing what people think. But is HAS been awhile... Do you think Capcom will ever make a sequel? Seeing how they officially declared an actual MegaMan series "ended", do you think Capcom might do that with Legends?
Dynamo: Hah! Capcom? A sequel? If anything, it'll be Keiji and his side company... or I'll force Capcom to make a sequel, since I'm planning to work for them when I get older...
SuperDanny: Hahaha, awesome. Inticreates making a Rockman DASH sequel sounds good and hopeful. I've enjoyed everything they've made so far.
Dynamo: Is that the side company Keiji's in?
SuperDanny: Yep
Dynamo: hmmm.. I thought it had a weirder name XD
SuperDanny: Heh, well, with that, that ends the interview I suppose. No more questions... at least I hope I didn't forget any XD So, anything you'd like to say to other Legends fans before I end this?
Dynamo: uh.. sure. Never let Data cook unless you want everything in a 5-mile radius of where he's cooking to burn down
SuperDanny: Hahaha Good advice. Alright then, say goodbye Dynamo!
Dynamo: uh... bye?
SuperDanny: Goodbye everyone *turns off recorder*