Here's my interview with the one and only AsbestosShoes. He's a loyal happy member of our Message Board here, if your a member, you most likely know him. Anyways, we got together one night, and finally got around to doing our interview. Here's what he had to say.
SUPERDANNY9: ::digging through his closet, he sees a small camcorder, with a huge dent in it. It was the very first camcorder used in the very first interview. He repairs it, and names it MegaCam! (flashing colors, awesome theme song in background) He activates MegaCam:: Hello everyone! I'm here for another interview with our friend, AsbestosShoes. How're ya AsbestosShoes?
AsbestosShoes: I'm good, you?
SUPERDANNY9: Wonderful, thanks for asking. Everyone most likely knows you as our lovable member at the message board. Anything you'd like to say to fellow members reading this interview?
AsbestosShoes: Hmm....
AsbestosShoes: Actually, just...HI GUYS!
SUPERDANNY9: haha Well said, now let's begin with the most obvious question, Are you a MegaMan Legends fan?
AsbestosShoes: Yep. Ever since some kid threw out his one chance at a great series.
SUPERDANNY9: Really? So is that how you got into the series? You were there as it was discarded by someone else?
AsbestosShoes: Well, I saw it on the net, thought it was interesting, had a dream about a flying Tron Bonne, but basically yep.
SUPERDANNY9: Yikes, one's trash is another man's treasure. So of the 3 games the series has to offer, which ones have you played/beaten so far?
AsbestosShoes: All of em played, beaten all but MAoTB. For some reason, that one challenges me. ^-^;;
AsbestosShoes: Well, more than the others.
SUPERDANNY9: Haha, well good luck with it, the ending is great. So you said you got your first game from the internet? When exactly did you play your first Legends game?
AsbestosShoes: Nonono, I only saw it on the internet, didn't get it untill some kid was about to sell it to a gamestore for $3 and I payed him $5(thus getting banned from the store), well, I played my first Legends game in... '99 I believe. Not sure though.
SUPERDANNY9: Wow, I just love hearing stuff like that, tis my favorite question to ask. So, was it love at first sight? Or did it take awhile for the Legends series to sneak into your heart?
AsbestosShoes: Oh, first sight. When I saw Megaman in 3D with his helmet off(something I hadn't seen since MM2) I was hooked. Then the sound of the running, and jumping, and the reaverbots popping out of the walls like poorly placed wallpaper, it all pulled me in.
SUPERDANNY9: Awesome. So you said you're familiar with MM2? Do you consider yourself a fan of the OTHER MegaMan series' out there, like the X, Original, Battle Network or Zero series?
AsbestosShoes: Yep, original is my favorite next to Legends, X I can live with, prefer not to play it, especially after the story confusion in X5, and Battle Network is great, as for the Zero series, I don't play much of it, but it's pretty cool.
AsbestosShoes: I'll probably play more Zero after BN4 though.
SUPERDANNY9: Wow, you seem just like me when it comes to the other series'.
AsbestosShoes: Guess so.
SUPERDANNY9: Anyways, now for the trademark question of the interview, Who do you think MegaMan should end up with? Tron or Roll?
AsbestosShoes: Hmmm...this is.....A thinker....
AsbestosShoes: *contemplates*
SUPERDANNY9: take your time
AsbestosShoes: Well, I *may* have to say neither, seeing as how he IS stuck in Elysium, due to Capcom's laziness, in which case I'd pick Yuna, but other than that Tron because there already seems to be a sort of chemistry between them. So, yea Tron. Plus, blue, pink, and black go together nicely.
SUPERDANNY9: Wow, great answer, well thought out.
AsbestosShoes: Yep.
AsbestosShoes: Thanks.
SUPERDANNY9: Well moving on, what do YOU predict will happen in the next MegaMan Legends game (if there is ever one)?
AsbestosShoes: Hmmm....Maybe Elysium crashing into Terra(solves the rocket problem), perhaps some crazy Megaman lookalike causing trouble, MegaMan fesses up to Tron/Roll bout feelings and heresay, hopefully something to do with the Elder System, and a long final battle, ending with a ^-^ Plus some filler stuff telling more about MM's past, the origons of Elysium and the Master, you know, interesting, mind boggling stuff.
SUPERDANNY9: WONDERFUL! Sounds interesting, very nice answer. Sorry to make you think hard like this.
AsbestosShoes: Wow, a CAPS wonderful. Thank you for the complement. ^-^ Meh, I enjoy coming up with story.
SUPERDANNY9: Well it was fun to read, I like reading stuff like that... ahem alright. Final question. Do you think another Legends game will ever finally see the light of day? Or do you think Capcom will simply continue to ignore it like they've done for 4 years now?
AsbestosShoes: Oh, definately, and I plan the squeeze information out of them regarding rumors I've heard sometime soon. If they DO discontinue it, I start a five state boycot of Capcom products! >:D Fun interview, very nice. Thanks for having me.
SUPERDANNY9: No problem. Before I end it, anything you'd like to add?
AsbestosShoes: Hmm....
AsbestosShoes: Yep.
AsbestosShoes: Bring back Megaman's old voice Capcom, for the love of god!
SUPERDANNY9: HAHA!! Thanks AsbestosShoes. Goodbye everyone! See you at the Message Board! ::grabs MegaCam, reaches for off button, MegaCam bites off arm, MegaCam runs into the wilderness, Danny falls to the ground in pain::