Here's an interview from our very own BlueRobotGil. You'll probably know her from the Message Board. She's of course, a Legends fan that requested an interview, so here's what she had to say.
SUPERDANNY9: ::After Steve the recorder's tragic murder, Danny finally rebuilds him, and names him Steve MKII. Danny pushes Steve MKII's record button:: Ok everyone, today I am here with yet another message board member, BlueRobotGirl, how are you BlueRobotGirl?
BlueRobotGirl: me am okay, except for the remains of the foodfight thread stuck in my hair.
SUPERDANNY9: Yeah, I tend to avoid that thread, I think I still have some pooding in my hair from like a week ago, that stuff can't wash out.
BlueRobotGirl: ugh, I got canteloupe and strawberry pizza. OmegaTrigger did it!
SUPERDANNY9: Curse him... Well, let's kick things off with Question #1. Are you a MegaMan Legends fan?
BlueRobotGirl: YES YES YES! (begins shameless self-promoting) You should see my avatar! (er, maybe you did)
BlueRobotGirl: I took that message to heart
BlueRobotGirl: about self-promoting, that is
BlueRobotGirl: you can combine those last few messages for your site
SUPERDANNY9: Huh? Oh that, don't worry about stuff like that right now, let's just do the interview, we can talk about that later...
BlueRobotGirl: ok
BlueRobotGirl: just trying to simplify things
SUPERDANNY9: I understand, it's alright. Now, of the 3 wonderful games the series has to offer, which ones have you played/beaten so far?
SUPERDANNY9: Wow, all of them? That's awesome. So when was the first time you played your very first Legends game?
BlueRobotGirl: Well, my brother played some other Megaman game at a friend's birthday party. (I was in the 5th grade) He wanted to rent it to show me how you could jump "infinity times." But he grabbed Legends by mistake. I started to like the game when I got to Apple Market and started goofing off in the stores... I didn't become an insane Megaman maniac 'till the 7th grade.
SUPERDANNY9: Interesting story, thanks for sharing that. So MegaMan Legends was your first MegaMan game ever?
BlueRobotGirl: yup.
SUPERDANNY9: So, from 5th grade to 7th grade, are you saying it took 2 years for you to grow into the game? Or was it love at first sight?
BlueRobotGirl: no, I just didn't appreciate it for what it was, since my brother bought the game when I was in the 7th grade. I didn't know anything about the storyline until then.
BlueRobotGirl: ok
BlueRobotGirl: was ok the right answer?
SUPERDANNY9: Uh, that wasn't really a question... but yes, yes that was 100% correct.
BlueRobotGirl: okay
SUPERDANNY9: So, is it just all about Legends? Or do you play OTHER MegaMan series' as well? Ever play any games from the X, Original, Zero or Battle Network series?
BlueRobotGirl: *takes deep breath and says all in one line* Battle Network, Zero, and X.
SUPERDANNY9: Nothing from the original series huh?
BlueRobotGirl: no, that was back when I thought video games were a waste of time... shame on me!
SUPERDANNY9: Ha, don't be too hard on yourself, I never got into the original series until later in it's run (like, MegaMan 8). But anyways, do you consider yourself a big fan of the X, Zero or Battle Network series?
BlueRobotGirl: Battle Network the most next to Legends. I like Megaman.EXE. Then X. Zero and Axl rock. Then Zero. I had to use gameshark to beat that one. SHAME ON ME!
SUPERDANNY9: Shame on you indeed, cheating is terrible, I urge you to play through again fair, I mean, what's a story without hardship? Easily running through the game causes it to lose it's sense of cha-... sorry got carried away. I don't mean to lecture you...
BlueRobotGirl: But I got to the end of X7 with no gameshark... shame on Sigma, I still can't beat him!
SUPERDANNY9: Good work, don't give up though, I recommend Zero and Axl, Axl's explosion gun thing does nice damage, and having Zero reflect the green stuf helps... man were getting really off topic here
SUPERDANNY9: ANYWAYS!.... next question is, Who do you think MegaMan should end up with? Tron or Roll?
BlueRobotGirl: neither. *evil laugh*
SUPERDANNY9: Are you serious?
BlueRobotGirl: yup
SUPERDANNY9: That is a first... NO ONE has ever said neither...
BlueRobotGirl: it should be me! XD (goes back to harsh reality, *sob*)
BlueRobotGirl: Oh, Megaman, why must you torture me so? (realizes Megaman is not sitting next to her *cry*)
SUPERDANNY9: Ok... I think I see why you wish for neither...
BlueRobotGirl: *wakes up and gets back to reality*
BlueRobotGirl: yup, I love him too much to see someone else get him!
SUPERDANNY9: Wow... that's something nice to hear for a change, I'm usually talking to Tron fanatics... nice to hear someone obsessing over the actual main character.
SUPERDANNY9: Well, moving on, based on what you've learned from the games, what do you think will happen during the NEXT Legends game?
BlueRobotGirl: yup, I'm obsessed.
BlueRobotGirl: Weeeeeell... I think those subcities that they were talking about being activated will be activated, and Megaman will have to travel all over Terra to shut them down. And Data will do his little dance.
SUPERDANNY9: Data will DANCE!? Really? What makes you think that!? ::ends sarcasim::
SUPERDANNY9: Ok then, sounds interesting. Well, do you actually think ANOTHER Legends game will ever see the light of day? Capcom hasn't made another one for quite sometime now, do you think they'll EVER make another game?
BlueRobotGirl: Yeah, eventually. When they finish the Battle Network and Zero series.
SUPERDANNY9: Nice answer, well, I think that wraps up this interview, anything you wish to add?
BlueRobotGirl: yup. *exits reality* oh, hello Megaman... *forgets about interview*
SUPERDANNY9: Hehe, well, goodbye everyone! Want to say goodbye BlueRobotGirl? BlueRobotGirl? ::waves hand infront of BlueRobot girl's face:: Uh, BlueRobotGirl?
BlueRobotGirl: I love you, Megaman... *enters reality* Oh, Goodbye Bluerobotgirl!
BlueRobotGirl: I've always wanted to do that. almost lol
SUPERDANNY9: haha. Well, that's it! BYE! ::Reaches over to SteveMKII, but sure enough, the old recorder returns with his Hyper Shell, he fires at SteveMKII, but SteveMKII dodges the blast, and jumps at the old recorder. A huge explosion rocks the sky, and both recorders perish... Danny falls to the ground, in more emotional agony::