Bob is one heck of a guy. He's a member of the Message Board as well, his name there is Servbot4677. ALSO, he is the creator of the Taco Saga. Yes he is THE Bob, Bob, creator of the Taco Saga. Let's all gather around to hear what he has to say about the MegaMan Legends series.
SUPERDANNY9: ::buys new tape recorder, names it Steve. Pushes Steve's record button:: Alright! Today I am here with Legodude6, also known as Bob, and also most commonly known in the Message Board as Servbot4677. How are you today Servbot4677?
Legodude6: uhm...fine...
Legodude6: you can just call me Bob..
SUPERDANNY9: Ok then Bob. Let's begin with the most obvious question. Are you a MegaMan Legends fan?
Legodude6: Sorry bout that,just don't like peple questioning my fanitism twords "Legends"
SUPERDANNY9: I'm sorry, but the question was more for the people who go to my site, and have no idea who you are (both of them). I of course know you love Legends more then life itself.
Legodude6: AWWW YEAH....
SUPERDANNY9: So then, of the 3 games the series has to offer, which ones have you played/beaten?
Legodude6: All
Legodude6: but I'm working on beating hard mode on MegaMan Legends 2...
SUPERDANNY9: Nice. So, how long ago do you think it was when you first played your first Legends game?
Legodude6: Let's see....It was Christmas,I was 8.I oppened a gift and BAM!THERE WAS MegaMan Legends.So it was like 1995 or somthing.BEST.CHRISTMAS.EVER.No doubt.
SUPERDANNY9: 95's a little early, but I get your point. Must've been a glorious Christmas.
Legodude6: Yeah,I forget the year (I was even stupider then than now) and all I remember is BIG SHINING CASE-That was MegaMan Legends.
SUPERDANNY9: So, did you play it that Christmas morning?
Legodude6: NO DOUBT!My brother begged to let him play it (he's 16 now) but I wouldn't,My eyes were glued to the T.V. engoying the GLORY of Legends.
Legodude6: (edited by request of Bob)
Legodude6: (edited by request of Bob)
SUPERDANNY9: ::pauses Steve:: (don't worry about it)
SUPERDANNY9: ::Steve resumes record:: So I suppose it was love at first sight? Or did you have to play it for awhile in order to fall in love with it?
Legodude6: dude,love at first sight.Since it was Christmas I played it AllllLLlllllLL day,my mom gave me lunch in my room because I was so hooked on MML.I remeber my parents having to put me to sleep...
Legodude6: The only thing holding me back from playing MML is school,geeze I need a break from it.
Legodude6: MUST PLAY MML........
SUPERDANNY9: Yes, I understand. Well Bob, how about the OTHER MegaMan series? Do you play, or have you played any games from the Original, X, Zero or Battle Network series?
Legodude6: MegaMan 7 I'm at the part of fighting Guts Man,MegaMan X I'm fighting Sgm's head in the machine thing,and MegaMan and Bass I beat the pulley thing before I went to school today.
Legodude6: (*Sigma's)
SUPERDANNY9: Cool, so that's it?
Legodude6: saddly,yes
SUPERDANNY9: February is almost here, you gonna get the Anniversary collection?
Legodude6: OH YEAH!Then I'll be able to play ALL the Origonal MegaMan games!Hey,do you think RockMan Battle and Chase will be on it along with all the other Rockman arcade games?
SUPERDANNY9: I doubt it, that would be wise though, I'd rather them use the space MegaMan 8 will take up for Battle and Chase instead, I mean... you can still buy MegaMan 8 in stores.
Legodude6: Relly,for like $20
Legodude6: (*really)
SUPERDANNY9: I see it even cheaper... Er, sorry, I'm steering away from the subject... ahem, next question. Everyone's favorite question of the interview, who do YOU think MegaMan should end up with? Tron or Roll?
Legodude6: Tron,and I have a long exsplanation why.Roll would be probably a friend more than anything else,like a best bud.Roll is to close for MegaMan to date...while on the other hand there's Tron.Tron would better fit MegaMan
a. Because Tron already has a crush on MegaMan
b. Because MegaMan for all we know likes Tron
c. and they both just need each other
Legodude6: See my point?
SUPERDANNY9: Very good points. Wonderful answer.
Legodude6: Sweet
SUPERDANNY9: Alright, moving on, based on what you've learned and seen from the games, what do you think will happen in a 4th installment in the Legends series?
Legodude6: Let's see....I've said it once and I'll say it again: I think that Legends will come back to use in the future and do what "Metroid Prime" did,go from SNES and skip right ver to Gamecube,skipping N64. Except....going from PS1 to PS3 or whatever...
Legodude6: Yeah,besides I don't think Capcom will Leave Legends hanging
SUPERDANNY9: Alrighty, so what do you think will HAPPEN in the game? Like, how do you think Capcom will begin the new adventure?
Legodude6: You know how the Old System was the big threat at the End of MML2?Well I think that.They won't leave Terra to die and everyone go BAM!Gone,then they'll have to reproduce all the carbons with their genetic code.Besides,who would leave Tron to die?
SUPERDANNY9: Sounds interesting
Legodude6: Yeah.....
SUPERDANNY9: Well... seeing how you already answered my final question, I suppose the interview can end now.
Legodude6: No
Legodude6: wait
Legodude6: I got a question for you.
SUPERDANNY9: For me? I don't think it works like that... but ok go for it.
Legodude6: Okay,which would you rather not see?A friend die or a MML CD get shattered?
Legodude6: Toughy huh?
SUPERDANNY9: I'd much rather not see a friend die, of course... seeing how all my friends are fans of Legends, we'd probably go to my house, and play a Legends game in honor of our fallen copy.
Legodude6: Good answer
Legodude6: Okay folks,this isn't my line but that's all!
SUPERDANNY9: Yes, we must bring this to an end, thanks for your time Bob, say goodbye.
Legodude6: Goodbye
SUPERDANNY9: ::old recorder returns, equipped with a Hyper Shell, he fires at Steve many times, Steve explodes in a wave of destruction. Danny falls to the floor in tears, screaming in emotional agony::