If you're a member of the Message Boards, you know who Dia Aren Marie is. She's the Glyde hatin, avatar makin, member huggin, crazy happy girl that everyone loves to talk to. Indeed, the Message Board would feel very empty without her. Which brings me great pleasure to introduce her very own interview! Hear the great Dia and her wonderful words of wisdom as you read my interesting interview with her.
SUPERDANNY9: ::tackles down tape recorder, staples it to a nearby table, pushes record button:: Alright everyone, this outta be a great interview, I'm here with Dia, that lovable member in the message boards. How're ya Dia?
MerisaGC: I'm fine and dandy~! ...hungry... but fine and dandy!
SUPERDANNY9: Terrific, so, as most of us know, you are without a doubt a Legends fan, correct?
MerisaGC: YES! Y-e-s, yessssssss. *sings* Legends is a legend in my heart and-- ...oh wait, that's redundant. Scratch.
SUPERDANNY9: Haha, so, of the 3 games, which ones have you played/beaten so far?
MerisaGC: I've played all of 'em! I don't remember which one I beat first, though. Legends 1 or MOTB I guess. THEN came Legends 2. You all know the trouble I went through with that train battle. >_<
SUPERDANNY9: Oh yeah, wow... that was awhile ago. So, how long ago do you think was it when you first played your first Legends game?
MerisaGC: Gimme a sec..... when was Legends 1 released again?
SUPERDANNY9: December of 97 I believe... well... ok I think it was 97, not sure about the month.
MerisaGC: Ah... I was right then. I was seven years old, around the time it was released. *flashbacks* "Do you see a door?" No. Hallway. "Door?" HALLWAY. "DOOR?" HALLLWAYYY!!! *turn* ...oh there it is.
MerisaGC: Beautiful, isn't it. *stares at self screaming through flashback mirror* o_o
MerisaGC: Anywho, yeah. 1997 or 1998, I was 7. Uh-huh.
SUPERDANNY9: Wow, that was great. Thanks for sharing that. So was it love at first sight? Did you instantly get hooked? Or was it a gradual process?
MerisaGC: Well, I did gawk at how anime-isc they looked.
MerisaGC: I did fall in love with it really quickly. Especially with the first boss.
SUPERDANNY9: Awww, you had a crush on that one armed big guy? How cute
MerisaGC: Yeah.
MerisaGC: Only he tried to squish me.
MerisaGC: Then I hated him. He's a TRAITOR!!!
SUPERDANNY9: A love hate relationship... terrible.
MerisaGC: Then the cutscene. I guess it was the music. COME ON, MegaMan was TRAPPED, and then he just decides to COMMIT SUICIDE! Then t'was all victorious and happy when MegaMan got on the flutter. I was like, "HA! BEAT -THAT-!!! Oh wow, this is SO cool. Bai big robot."
SUPERDANNY9: Haha, well Dia, how about the OTHER MegaMan series? Are you familiar with the Original, X, Battle Network or Zero series at all?
MerisaGC: WHEE!!! Rockman 8 (yes, -Rock-man) was my first ever Megaman-related game. I loved that opening song and... even if I didn't understand a thing... I got through just fine. Then came -Mega-Man 8. I was a happy little bugger.
MerisaGC: Then my next one was Rockman X4 (and yes, I'm a dork). I was confused since... everything was different O_o "Hey, is the main guy all grown up now or something?" Then I fell in love with Zero. Well, had a crush on him. Whatever floats your boat.
MerisaGC: I like Battle Network, though my save file got erased so I have to go through the dang ice level again...T_T
MerisaGC: And as you all know I had to give back my copy of MegaMan Zero >_< It rocked... I'd do anything to find it again...
MerisaGC: Generally speaking: I love the MegaMan series.
SUPERDANNY9: Very nice, a lovely little taste of everything, that's great.
MerisaGC: Bad news about that is: My cousins who don't have computers keep bugging me for cheat codes.
SUPERDANNY9: cheat codes? You can't cheat in MegaMan...
MerisaGC: Whatever floats their boat >_< I don't use them, I just find them, to quote a MegaMan website.
SUPERDANNY9: Hmm, ok then. Well, now my favorite question. Based on your very educated opinion, who do you believe MegaMan should have a future relationship (if he should even have one) with? Roll or Tron?
MerisaGC: *takes out her Teisel mug, sips some tea, and calms down*
SUPERDANNY9: This one's for the interview though... PLEEEASEE?
MerisaGC: ....can I have a lollipop first?
SUPERDANNY9: (sigh) Fine ::hands Dia a lollipop::
MerisaGC: YAY! ...uhm. *ahem* Anyway. I just can't pick really. Probably Roll, since they're really close and have known each other since, like... how long? Since they were kids? ( I still believe they love each other more as siblings.) Tron wouldn't be bad either, but the thing is she's not used to this yet... still confused you know? Maybe if she were to straighten out exactly what her feelings were then she'd be a-okay~ I don't want to think of Teisel's reaction to this though. O_o;;;
SUPERDANNY9: Wonderful answer! See? That wasn't so hard, now your opinion has been immortalized, and I won't have to ask you ever again.
MerisaGC: Yayness. ^^;
SUPERDANNY9: Alright, so, with everything you've seen from the 3 games, what do you believe will happen in a 4th installment in the Legends series?
MerisaGC: ...*squints eyes* Well, if they do make one, with how they improved the graphics in MML2, I'd guess the graphics would be something even BETTER to gawk at. o_o I'm not sure about plot, though. It's pretty open as of now. Maybe the places already shown in MML2 would be expanded and stuff but... I'm not all too sure.
SUPERDANNY9: Perfectly understandable. It's almost anyone's guess with how open Legends 2 was.
MerisaGC: Exactly. Still, I can't stress enough how weird it is seeing Tron and Roll, Teisel, Gramps, and Bleucher together in one room and NOT sending explosives or nukes at each other. Well, maybe Tron and Roll are still bickering, but I stress.
MerisaGC: ...and maybe not a room... but you get the point.
SUPERDANNY9: Definitly, I can't imagine a Legends 3 with the Bonnes on the good side... just doesn't seem logical
MerisaGC: Unless Teisel was going to backstab 'em, in which case I might just be able to understand it...
MerisaGC: ...speaking of which, Teisel looked pretty calm in the ending scene. Maybe it's just me, but he wasn't screaming or yelling when the rocket didn't work...
SUPERDANNY9: Yes, very weird... I'd love to see that though, good ol Teisel never gives up, I really hope he pulls a fast one on the Caskets.
MerisaGC: Yep! Seems like the most logical answer =P
MerisaGC: But on Teisel *succeeding* it's a whole different story.
SUPERDANNY9: Mmhmm, hahaha. Final question: We haven't seen a new Legends game in a loooong time. Do you think Capcom will ever decide to continue the games? Or do you think they'll just ignore it, and continue to focus on there other games?
MerisaGC: Well, seeing as how they're ALSO IGNORING another of their sleeper-hit games that I absolutely love, I'm sadly not expecting much...
SUPERDANNY9: Tis a sad truth... hopefully they'll surprise us all.
MerisaGC: Yeah.
MerisaGC: And make the first ruin door easier to find.
SUPERDANNY9: HAHAHA. Well Dia, it has been a pleasure, thank you for this wonderful interview.
MerisaGC: You're very much welcome Danny =D
SUPERDANNY9: You can of course see this on the interviews page (whenever I actually put it up). But now... we must say goodbye. Say goodbye to all your fans out there reading this Dia.
MerisaGC: BYE FANS!! ... oh wait.... fans? Fans?? AHHH!! *shows avatar with her being nuked* NO CLINGING! NO CLINGING!! ... I mean, uh... Love ya guys? ^_^;;;
SUPERDANNY9: Bye everyone! ::tape recorder orders staple remover on internet, recieves package, opens it and uses staple remover to escape, Danny chases it out the door yelling in frustration::