You might know Voulnutt from the Message Board. He's a great guy who loves Legends as much as MegaMan likes apricot pie. Here's what he had to say about our lovable Legends series.
SUPERDANNY9: ::runs to store to buy camera, doesn't have enough money, settles with tape recorder, turns it on:: Hello everyone! I'm here today with ACEflame105, but you might know him as Voulnutt in the message boards! How're ya Voulnutt?
ACEflame105: super thanks for asking!
SUPERDANNY9: ....alrighty. So, your obviously a Legends fan, correct?
ACEflame105: yup sure am!
SUPERDANNY9: Wonderful, which MegaMan Legends games have you played/beaten so far?
ACEflame105: i've played and beaten 1 and 2, but i havent played 2 in a while so i dont remember it as well.
SUPERDANNY9: Tis a shame, how about The Misadventures of Tron Bonne, familiar with it at all?
ACEflame105: i've heard of it, read about it on other sites, but alas,.....i've never played it.
SUPERDANNY9: How dreadful... I hope one day you are blessed with the game's lovely presence, don't give up, maybe someday you'll have a chance to experience it.
SUPERDANNY9: So then Voulnutt, how long have you been considering yourself a Legends fan?
ACEflame105: about a year and a half.
SUPERDANNY9: Can you give our viewe-... er, readers a small description of how you got hooked on this great game series?
ACEflame105: well, one of my friends told me how cool it was so i decided to check it out. it sounded stupid at first(because of that overdromatic narraratior) but then, i began to love the game.
SUPERDANNY9: Nice, now to my favorite question, in your opinion, who should MegaMan have a relationship with, Tron or Roll?
ACEflame105: thats a tough one, i like both of them. i mean megaman has known roll longer and they've already got a relationship goin' , but tron, she's just got a certain cutness about her.
SUPERDANNY9: That's always the hardest question to answer... and I skipped one anyways, ahem. What about OTHER MegaMan games? Are you familiar with the Original, X, Zero or Battle Network series?
ACEflame105: yup, exsept i dont know very much about the x series, never got into it i thought megaman was a wimp.
SUPERDANNY9: He was rock hard in X 1-4, but started to slow down a lot in the later games, he's too much of a panzy now... but that's my opinion... this is YOUR interview... sorry
SUPERDANNY9: Anyways, based on what you've seen so far in the MegaMan Legends series, what do you think will happen in the future of it?
ACEflame105: shesh i dont know, i never really was good at predicting stuff.
SUPERDANNY9: Give it a try... I know it's basically anyone's guess, but just give us your view of what you think a possible 4th installment in the series would look like.
ACEflame105: well, they will probably find even more about the master, heck they may even have to fight the master! as for predicting about MAOTB ive never played it so....there.
SUPERDANNY9: Fight the Master!? WHA-... oh wait, you haven't played Legends 2 in awhile, sorry, I guess that question was a little too hard for you then.
SUPERDANNY9: Well how about this one, last question. A new MegaMan Legends game has not seen the light of day for almost 5 years now... Do you think Capcom will EVER make a new Legends? Or, will the just focus on there more popular titles (cough Battle Network cough)
ACEflame105: well, thats tough because you never know with Capcom, they may, because they really seem to be trying to get people to like those servbots. probably so that more people will want the legends games when they come out with a number 3.
SUPERDANNY9: Terrific, well I thank you very much for your time.
ACEflame105: well your welcome!
SUPERDANNY9: You can of course see this interview on the interviews page at the MLU website. And now... we must say goodbye, say goodbye Voulnutt.
ACEflame105: bye Voulnutt!
SUPERDANNY9: Bye everyone ::points shotgun at tape recorder, tape recorder jumps out of window::